Akademi Ilmuan Sains Matematik Malaysia (AISMM)



  • Penglibatan ahli dalam penggubalan Dasar Kriptologi Negara
  • Penglibatan dalam penubuhan Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research (MSCR)
  • Keahlian dalam Akademi Sains Malaysia ( ASM)
  • Keahlian dalam kluster Majlis Profesor Negara
  • Penglibatan AISMM dalam penubuhan MyHIM
  • Penglibatan dalam ahli dalam STEM
  • Penajaan kewangan AISMM dalam program anjuran oganisasi lain.


From: Christiane Rousseau <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2019, 22:41
Subject: News of International Day of Mathematics and pre-announcement of events
To: rousseau Christiane <[email protected]>

Dear supporter of the International Day of Mathematics,

  1. You are invited to visit the website www.idm314.org. A media page will very soon be online with logos in different languages and material for announcing the International Day of Mathematics (IDM). This material can be used to spread the news in your community.

  2. We are preparing a world map that will appear on the website www.idm314.org: the map will show dots where celebrations of IDM2020 are to take place. We want to have already some celebrations announced around the world when the map will appear on the website. Since your organization exprressed support for the IDM, we are contacting you with the hope that your organization will be willing to put a pre-announcement of a celebration. May we invite you to fill the following form so that we put a dot on the map as a pre-announcement of your event? It will take no more than five minutes to fill the form and you will be invited to update the information later. Hence you do not need to have decided the fine details of your celebration.

We thank you in advance for your support. We hope to be able to show many pre-announcements all over the world at the time of the 40th General Conference of UNESCO (November 12-27 2019) when the vote will be taken to proclaim the International Day of Mathematics.

P.S. We write to you because you are the official contact person of your organization for the IDM in our database.